Bridging the gap between creativity, technology, and innovation in an era of change and growth- INNVEST 2023
GO 2 Innovation aims to support local businesses from the sector of Hospitality and Agriculture to improve their performance and build sustainable businesses even in this challenging time. Both services : Coaching & Mentoring are used to create a positive impact in the participating businesses by building management skills and helping them identify new areas of improvement and opportunities. The main topics treated in the sessions were: building skills for human resource management, digital marketing and effective resource management.
An Open talk with a group of Women Entrepreneurs organized in cooperation with Women Founders Network Albania
The “Get Unstuck” workshop in cooperation with Lincoln Centers of Albania was delivered for a group of young professionals who joined this event from different successful companies operating in Albania and abroad.
Në ditët e sotme kur çdo gjë lëviz me shumë shpejtësi, sidomos për sipërmarrësit, ka një pafundësi gjërash për t’u bërë. Sapo mbarojmë diçka, nisim menjëherë diçka tjetër.